Every art piece tells a story and we can interpret art very differently from one another. My latest cake project was the infamous Icarus from the band Led Zeppelin. The cake was a Led Zeppelin inspired cake and I knew right away that I wanted to incorporate the very symbolic figure to represent the band. but as I was designing this cake topper I wanted to learn more about the mysterious angel that I was molding out of chocolate.
To my surprise, it wasn't an angel that I was recreating at all. This little figure that I was holding in my hand and had been starring at on paper all day was named Icarus. If you know the story of Icarus you will know that it's a common myth that is associated with failed ambition and the demise we set ourselves up with when we don't take the time to believe in ourselves. You see, Icarus' father was a very talented craftsman and had made his son beautiful wings made of feathers and wax so that he could fly out of a prison surrounded by great walls. When his father took the opportunity to fly the wings first, he said to Icarus that all he had to be careful of was to not fly too close to the sun nor neither the sea but to follow his path of flight. The sadness creeps in when Icarus becomes over joyed with his new set up wings, get's caught up in the sun and realizes that his wax wings have melted and now is falling to sea and drowns. I know, intense right? But, that's the beauty in myths and legends; they always tell the perfect story with a truthful ending. This little figure that I was molding out of chocolate was giving me more self realization in 5 minutes than in the last 5 years. When we truly believe in ourselves we can honestly accomplish anything we put our minds to. I know, we both have been hearing this for years; "if you can dream it, than you can do it." But it's true. There is too much failed ambition out in today's world and I believe it's because we don't give ourselves the chance to be successful. We are constantly flying off of our path to compare ourselves to other people, false images, made up stories and especially the media; the biggest lie of all. (That can be the sun in my story). And when we fly to close to the sun, naturally we get burned and fall to the sea. Okay, so not literally, but if you think about all of the negative thoughts we fill our minds with day in and day out than it can begin to feel like we are flying out of control and falling in to a big. deep. dark. sea.
It's very possible that I looked far to into this little man I was holding in my hand (which at this point may of started to melt, no symbolism intended). But, let's be honest with ourselves. When we can learn to accept who we are than we can fly the path that was intended for ourselves. Follow your natural talent and don't let anyone make any decisions for you. It's that simple. Maybe I should get into therapy instead of cake styling. ha ha! Also, don't beat yourself up too badly if things don't work out for you; this gives your more opportunity to find the things that will eventually make who you already are now. Did THAT make any sense???
Have a great night everyone and try not to look too closely into cake like I do, you may end up writing a blog about a melting man in your hand, failed ambition, and the love of cake.